घर अधूरा खाट बिना, तराजू अधूरा बाट बिना, राजा अधूरा ठाठ बिना, संसार अधूरा जाट बिना |

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प्रिय जाट भाइयों और बहनों सभी को नमस्कार। आप सभी के सहयोग और आशीर्वाद से विश्व जाट डायरेक्टरी का निर्माण किया जा रहा है। इसमें हर जाट भाई - बहन का नाम, पता, व्यवसाय, गोत्र, पैतृक गावँ (शहर) का विवरण होगा चाहे वह जाट भाई किसी भी धर्म का हो जैसे: हिन्दू जाट, सिख जाट, मुस्लिम जाट, क्रिश्चयन जाट, बुध जाट इत्यादि। यदि कोई भी जाट भाई विश्व जाट डायरेक्टरी में अपना नाम सम्मिलित (दर्ज) करवाना चाहता है तो कृपया जाट भाइयों की अपनी वेबसाईट www. jatpeople.com/directory पर जा कर पंजीकृत करें। धन्यवाद
Greetings to all Dear Jat Brothers and Sisters. With your blessings and support, World Jat Directory is being created. It will contain details of Name, Address, Occupation, Gotra, Ancestral village (city) of every Jat Brother & Sister, irrespective of their Religion like: Hindu Jat, Sikh Jat, Muslim Jat, Christian Jat, Buddhist Jat etc. If any Jat brother wants to get his name included (registered) in World Jat Directory, Please register by visiting the Jat brothers' own website www. jatpeople.com Thank you

जाटों की उतपत्ति के बारे में बहुत सारी किवंदंतियां हैं। कुछ लोग जाटों की उतपत्ति भगवान शिव की जटाओं से, कुछ लोग यूरोप व कुछ लोग मिडल एशिया से मानते हैं। लेकिन आज के तथ्यों व उन्नत साइंस का यदि प्रयोग करें और डी. एन. ए. के आधार पर जाटों की उतपत्ति का विश्लेषण करें तो हम पाएंगें के ……

Jat Maharaja/Samrat/Sardar

Jat History

This is a brief history of the Jats with a view to increase awareness about Jat history among the young generation.


Key Highlights

  • The article explores the historical journey of the Jat community in India over the past 500 years, tracing their nomadic origins to settled agrarian lifestyles.
  • Jats, divided into various sub-castes and known for their traditional practices, have faced historical battles and conversions, contributing significantly to agriculture and politics.
  • Despite internal divisions and religious differences, the Jat community unites on national issues such as farmers’ rights and land legislation, producing prominent leaders like Chaudhary Charan Singh.


Key Challenges

  • The Jat community grapples with stereotypes and mockery, facing challenges in reconciling their pride in the past with a desire to assert their qualities in contemporary contexts.
  • The article highlights the internal divisions among Jats based on religion, turning former clansmen into archrivals despite presenting a united front on national issues.
  • Modernization of land-related occupations poses concerns about the future of Jats, leading to efforts to reinvent their identities in the face of changing socio-economic dynamics.


Key Terms

  • Khap panchayats: Controversial local bodies involved in delivering justice and making decisions on social matters, often criticized for endorsing conservative practices.
  • Arya Samaj: A reform movement within Hinduism advocating for the worship of the uncreated Supreme Being and rejecting idol worship.
  • Subaltern: Referring to marginalized or oppressed groups within a society.


All the Content are based on Books & Facts 100%
Just working for Community 100%
24 x 365 Jat Helpline 100%


JAT Word Directory

Jat Directory will contain details of every Jat Brother & Sister, irrespective of their Religion like: Hindu Jat, Sikh Jat, Muslim Jat, Christian Jat, Buddhist Jat etc.


We will Start E-Commerce Portal of buying and selling goods and services over the internet. All the listed products & services will directly belongs to Jat Business Peoples.

JAT Helpline

Jat Community Helpline provides a safe, nonjudgmental "lifeline of hope" to callers who are in crisis or need support. (24Hours x 365 Days) Volunteer With Us!

Jat Matrimonial

Most Trusted Matrimony: Find suitable Jat matches by Location, Education, Occupation, etc. The largest and most exclusive matrimony service for Jats.

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